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FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST REFERENCE NOs: West Mercia Police 11906 and Warwickshire Police 11907
I write in connection with your requests for information which were received on 28th May 2019. Please find below the responses to your requests for West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police information:
1. How many LTI speed enforcement laser devices are operated by your Police Force
2. What models of LTI speed enforcement laser devices are operated by your Police Force ?
3. What training do police officers receive in the use of the above LTI devices and who deliveries this training within your force, if possible could I have a copy of the training material used by the your force as a pdf or power point, I am prepared to be able to receive this information in other formats.
4. Over the past 3 years can you advise how many speeding offences have been dealt with by your force for each year and the way in which disposal has taken place ? example, Reported to Court, Fixed Penalty Offer, Speed Awareness Course, Warning issued.
5. In respect of the LTI devices used for speed enforcement what servicing and calibration takes place and how often is this checked ? over the last 24 months has your force experienced any faults or other issues operating LTI devices for speed enforcement.
6. Is there a set policy or procedures for the way in which motorists are dealt with in respect of speeding offences across your force area by the Police, if so what training do police officers receive in this respect in particular in the way members of the public are interviewed at the road side and the use of body worn video cameras and the caution given in respect of speeding matters any issues related to Police and Criminal Evidence Act codes of practice, if possible please could you supply a copy of any training materials used in respect of road side interviews related speed enforcement and motoring offences.
7. What make of Body Worn Video camera is used by your force what policies exist in relation to the use of these devices in relation to use during interview and questioning within Police vehicles.
The request refers to both Police Officers and Safer Roads Enforcement Officers,
for clarity Police Officers means all persons holding the office of Constable and
additionally any other person employed by the Police as a member of Police or
PCC staff involved in speed enforcement and similar duties.
Q1. West Mercia Police - 27
Warwickshire - 4
Q2. West Mercia Police - Speedscope, Ultralyte 100, Ultralyte 1000 and Ultralyte 1000 Concept II
Warwickshire Police SRP - 2020 laser devices
Q3. West Mercia Police - Trained by TeleTraffic or an in force trainer trained by TeleTraffic. 1 day course. (Training material will not be supplied)
Warwickshire Police SRP staff are trained by Teletraffic the suppliers of the devices. The SRP do have a Police Constable trained trainer who delivers courses to Police Officers using material
provided by Teletraffic which they own the intellectual copyright to.
Q4. Please see the attached table.
Q5. West Mercia Police - They are calibrated yearly and we have had no faults in the past 24 months. They are calibrated by TeleTraffic.
Warwickshire Police - The LTI2020 devices are subject to annual calibration in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
We have experienced no faults with the LTI2020 laser device.
Q6. The Alliance deliver the curriculum content for Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP). This is covered in Policing the Roads as part of the 'Ensuring Public Safety' Module. In relation to roadside offences, officers are taught to use the 'when' caution where they suspect an offence has been committed. They would then complete a Traffic Offence Report and the 'now' caution the driver following reporting for summons. We do not issue any fixed penalty notices and the decisions for disposal are made by decision makers in Leamington Traffic Process Management Unit.
Speed enforcement is something which specialist road policing and motorway patrols do in addition to the Safety Camera Partnership.
Q7. The Alliance currently use Axon Body Worn Video.
The Alliance policy currently precludes the use of BWV to conduct interviews.