Key messages
- British policing is founded on respect and engagement with the public. We resolve issues daily by talking to people and reasoning with them and that will continue. I am confident people will listen but we will seek to educate and warn before moving to issuing fines and court action.
- We continue to have lots of officers out and about patrolling in our county and providing a visible police presence.
- We want our officers to be out catching criminals and not having to stop and talk to people while they are selfishly being out and about and not adhering to the new restrictions.
- The consequences will be devastating for many if we don’t take real action now and we must get transmission levels down. However if needed we will ultimately deal with people to enforce the Government’s measures.
- If your lives are carrying on as normal you are not doing enough to protect yourself, your family and your community.
- We need to respect each other. We appreciate that it is difficult times but there is no need to panic buy and put yourself and others at risk.